Winners Prize Package
Crowned Queen Entry to National Pageant (value $2795.00)
Official State Titleholder’s Custom Embroidered Sash & Swarovski Crown
Winner Floral Bouquet by Kremp Florist
Full page contestant spotlight advertisement in the national program book designed by National Pageant Design Sponsor (not including design fee)
3 nights accommodations at the host Hotel for Nationals (Paired with another contestant)
2 provided meals per day at Nationals
Opening Number Cocktail Dress
National Pageant Contestant Swag Bag
National Pageant Program Book
National Pageant Photo Package (Onstage Competition Photos)
Official UNITED STATES of AMERICA Pageant T-shirt
Pageant coaching from Carroll Crown Consulting
Gift Certificate to Go Bling Yourself
Additional prizes to be announced!
* Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to delegate packet found on "APPLY" tab.